T-Tests: When and How to Use Them

So, you want to find out if a survey you just conducted has results that matter? This may be a job...
Arizona Election Polling: Getting the Quickest and Most Accurate Data

Arizona Election Polling: Getting the Quickest and Most Accurate Data

Election years in the United States are fraught with drama, and for good reason: in the democratic...

The Importance of Asking the Right Questions: Social Desirability Bias

When it comes to survey research, one of the most critical aspects of the entire process is the...

Analysis: The Battle for the Legislature

The Battle for the Legislature The Money Race for the Arizona House and Senate While many people...

ANALYSIS: The relation between the movement of Arizonans, public policies, and COVID-19 Cases

The relation between the movement of Arizonans, public policies, and COVID-19 Cases Did the stay–at

Analysis: The Swinging Suburbs 

Analysis: The Swinging Suburbs How 3 Phoenix LD’s Have Turned Arizona into a Battleground State A...

DATA ANALYSIS: Democrats in Arizona, a Tale of Two Victories

During the 2018 election cycle, Arizona got a massive amount of national media attention for the...
Coronavirus Primary Research

Coronavirus Primary Research

As the world continues to cope with the recent spread of the Coronavirus and the social and...

AZPOP Is Going Monthly!

AZPOP is a statewide Likely Voter survey that regularly gauges public opinion on the...
Market Research Near Me: OH Predictive Insights Is Your Hometown Hero

Market Research Near Me: OH Predictive Insights Is Your Hometown Hero

Search engines are almost always your friend. Whether you’re looking for the best Chinese...